Why You Should Upgrade Your Kids’ PJ’s for Winter

The colder it gets, the cozier little ones should be, whether in tried-and-true red plaid flannels, a storybook lace-collared nightgown, or organic footed onesies. As well as fending off Jack Frost, keep in mind that these pj’s can be highly photogenic, too. Think of all the Instagrammable photo ops: staying up late to watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving for the first, or 10th, time; Christmas morning; the past-their-bedtime pajamaed ride home from Grandma’s house. These are the moments when dressing down can liven up the occasion.

Photograph source: http://sayyes.com/2011/12/sponsored-post-striped-christmas-pjs.html

Content source: http://www.vogue.com/13366838/childrenswear-pajamas