8 Easy Pumpkin Centerpieces to Complete Your Fall Table

What You’ll Need:

3 Pumpkins (or however many you want on the table)

White, brown, black, and yellow felt (plus any other colors you want to use for the eyes)

Yellow pipe cleaners

Magna-Tac glue




1. Cut out various-sized circles of the white, black, and brown felt pieces to create the "eyes." Cut out a triangle shape from the yellow felt for the beak. Glue all of the pieces to the pumpkin.

2. Use yellow pipe cleaners to create "feet." Glue and tape to the bottom front of the pumpkin.

Photograph and content source: http://www.realsimple.com/holidays-entertaining/holidays/thanksgiving/pumpkin-centerpieces?iid=feat-story-1


Halloween Goth Burger by Burger King

That's right, even Burger King's playing dress-up this year and taking a cue from their Japanese franchises by creating a spooky, all-black burger. And while the infamous Japanese version had black cheese and sauce in addition to black buns, the American version is keeping it just to the buns, which are dyed with A1 steak sauce.

Photograph and content source: http://www.papermag.com/2015/09/burger_king_is_bringing_goth_b.php